WOW Can't believe it's been over three months since I've updated the blog. Time sure goes by fast!
Since my last update, yours truly has graduated from college!
It took me six long years, but I finally have that piece of paper in my hands =) It is such a relief to be done with school.
Before graduation I was busy trying to find a job. Luckily, I was offered a position in an engineering company before I even graduated. That was amazing! I'm so thankful that I was able to find a job so fast. I know some of my classmates were still looking for jobs after graduation, and I definitely didn't want to be in the same position.
I thought that after being done with school, I would have all this free time in my hands to do all my projects at home. Well, that doesn't seem to be the case at all. Other than the fact I don't have to worry about homework, projects or exams during the weekend, I feel just as busy.
So I haven't spent much time giving the attention I would like to give to my home and my on-going-never-ending projects... =(
And in the meantime, Jeremy and I decided to put our house for sale! So, with the impending possibility of a move it is difficult to concentrate on anything but keeping the house cleaned and organized!
I day-dream constantly of lazy days that I can spend sewing and painting, and rearraging furniture... The list of things in my head I would like to do keeps getting bigger and bigger!! =)
I do have some pictures of some quick projects we were able to finish before graduation and before putting our house for sale. I will have to post about them here.
Hope everyoby has a wonderful weekend!