I found that the laundry room was always neglected at our house. It is usually a mess, with baskets on top of baskets, and everything on top of everything else. As you can see, we use the laundry room to store left-over paint. Actual laundry detergent and such are stored on top of the washing machine. Yikes! :(
So about a month ago when I received all of that fabric from my mother-in-law, I thought of the perfect idea for the laundry room. I decided to make a curtain that would hide all the paint and laundry products on the shelf. Everything then could be neatly tucked away. I thought this would be a good idea to "brighten up" and add some "character" to our laundry room.
So I sewed my FIRST ever curtains! =) I'm pretty happy about the results.
They are not perfect, or all that straight, but I tried my best. But for their use, I think they will do pretty well. I even added lining to it! :)
As you can see, the curtains now hide everything! Laundry detergent, oxy clean, fabric softeners and the like, are now placed on the shelf (as they should be) and hidden behind the curtains :) We have a small step-ladder (you can see it standing against the wall by the washing machine) that we use to get the laundry products out.
Once we are done with laundry, we put the laundry products back where they go.
I'm very pleased with our curtains :) I have a couple more things to add to the room that I'm working on right now. I will post on that when it is finished.
So moral of the story is: don't neglect your laundry room! lol Spending some time to make it unique and beautiful might help you enjoy doing the laundry. I know I need all the help I can get. :)